Tips for altering your wedding music to adhere to the new COVID rules

Firstly, let’s start out this post by sending our COVID impacted couples all our love and support. We’re sending good vibes your way, and we are so sorry you have to go through this uncertain and stressful time when you’re trying to plan your dream day. 

While we all feel like we just want to just throw our hands in the air and scream ‘that’s enough COVID, bugger off, fast forward already’, there are many of you that have decided to push on with your big day and we fully support this! This whole pandemic being ‘over’ is not necessarily a sure thing any time soon, so we are right behind your decision to push forward and we think your day is going to be wondrous anyway.

In light of all this this, we’ve come up with a few tips and tricks that can help you to still have beautiful wedding music on your wedding day, while adhering to the new rules of COVID times.

Tips for your wedding music in COVID times:

Downsize your music line-up

As it currently stands (July 2021) there is no dancing allowed at weddings in NSW and all guests must remain seated throughout the entire event. If you’ve booked a big band or a DJ party lineup, we highly recommend you downsize from this - The last thing that you want at your wedding is some kind of pumped up party time band that none of your guests are allowed to take part in and so, the best thing that you can do right now is aim for a beautiful and romantic atmosphere that can enhance the vibe and that guests can enjoy without feeling compelled to boogie out of their seats. It’ll save you money, and it’ll save a COVID Marshall from having to step in and prevent guests from having a nice night. Downsize :)

Skip the DJ

If you’ve booked one of our super popular DUO + DJ packages, our current recommendation is you remove the DJ aspect from you package and have the duo play an extra set (4 sets total) and then switch to a nice playlist of songs you love. Again, the last thing that you want at your wedding is some kind of music in the corner that is enticing your guests to do something they’re not allowed to do, so get the duo to play some beautiful sets and then have your favourite songs from a playlist through the in-house venue system. It keeps everything in the right vibe and sticks to all the rules. 

Add saxophone or percussion

If you’ve booked the DUO + DJ package a cool idea is to add a saxophone or percussionist to the duo line up and turn it into a trio package. The trio can only play 4 x sets throughout your big day, but it’s definitely a cool way of increasing the vibe and significance of the music and makes the band more of a focal point of the day. You can see the trio and the trio with saxophone here. 

Get jazzy!

While people have always loved to dance to jazz, many jazz bands have the ability to play for a long time with their instrumentals and create a super cool and classy atmosphere! Jazz is all class - Think long lunches, Gatsby, fine dining - All you need to do is get a keys player with some drums, double bass and a sax and you can have beautiful, classy instrumental music in the air all day. Oberon Lane has a range of jazz bands available so if this is something you’re interested in just ask. 

Ceremony & Canapés Only

Whilst we don’t want to do ourselves out of a job any further than COVID has already attempted to do (ha!), we’re in full support of just getting the music for what you need on the day. Getting music for your ceremony and canapés only is completely understandable and we won’t hold anyone to any DJ or band bookings that they have, when the DJ and band aren’t allowed to perform the role that they were booked to do. It’s a tough time for everyone, but the beautiful part of your day is still allowed to be beautiful! Get the acoustic music in the air for your ceremony and canapés only, then have a nice playlist on later.

There’s so many other creative ideas that you can find online, but these are just a few initial things for you to think about. If you want some further advice on how to alter your booking to adhere to the rules just send us an email and we can help you out. 

And if you’ve already booked with us and are thinking of changing your date, we’re still completely flexible with any postponements and will work with you to make this situation as easy and stress free as we can. 
